The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new sights, but in looking with new eyes.
What does “tran” mean?
It is a word-forming element meaning “across, through, on the other side of, (and my favorite) to go beyond.
What does “spire” mean?
When looking up the etymology of spire, the spelling “spyre” is offered as an alternative. Meaning, “peak, point, or tip”. On, definition 4 reads “the highest point”.
Transpyre is a philosophical and theoretical conglomeration of objective and subjective thought processing, making the resulting intention of Transpyre to “go beyond” or “ascend” conventional ways of thinking. To reveal new perspectives, ideas, and concepts as diplomatically as possible.
When we are able to embrace question without fear, when we accept full responsibility for every single thought that floats through our minds and every
syllable that falls from our tongues, when we can step outside of the rigidity of our convictions and look AT our thought filters (rather than through them)… then the potential of unlimited possibilities reveal themselves organically.
We will be discussing a plethora of various topics, ideas, and theories while providing resources and applications. We encourage communication, not debate or argument. There will be several hyperlinks throughout the site providing you with sources and verifications, please view them as they help substantiate what we are attempting to convey.